4 Reasons Why You Should Come to Church on Sunday 

Sometimes, it can be hard to find a church community to belong to. There are many questions to be answered and hurdles to overcome. However, as awkward and as difficult as it might be, finding a family to join is one of the greatest things you can do. Here are four reasons why you should come to church on Sunday. 

#1: When you come to church on Sunday, you will make new friends. 

If you get plugged into a church, you will automatically make new friends. If you recently moved into the area or are struggling to find friends, head to church! Most churches have small groups available for you to join where you can make 5-7 friends right away! A study recently done showed that if you have seven relationships in a given place, that place will feel like home. So start making some new friends at church! 

Going to church also creates a support system you need in your life. When you go to church, you will have people that are looking forward to seeing you each week. Those same people will pray for you when you are sick and even help you when you are in need. Don’t be afraid to make deep friendships with people. 

If you would like to serve at The Heart LA Church, you can join us for Party with the Pastors on the first Sunday of the month. You can sign up right here!

#2: When you come to church on Sunday, you can find purpose.

We are all looking for purpose. Sometimes the greatest way to find your own purpose is by serving others. Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve others (Matthew 20:28). At church, there are always ways to serve others. When you get plugged into a church, you can join their volunteer teams. This could be greeting at the front door, singing on stage, teaching kids, or picking up trash. 

Most churches have a system in which you can get involved. In some roles, you will have to attend the church longer than others in order to participate. However, you can still get involved and start serving. Sometimes, you simply need to let a leader know that you are available to volunteer at the church. Believe me, they will be excited and want you to serve! 

If you are looking for purpose, come to church and serve. 

#3: When you come to church on Sunday, you can reignite hope. 

When you go to church, you will often hear an inspiring message from the Word of God. The person who is sharing will often talk about the love of God, faith to move mountains, or the prayers of people in the Bible. These stories and passages of Scripture help inspire people in their walk with God. 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

These are just a few of the verses found in the Bible that might be talked about on a Sunday morning. Whether you’re looking for a church or maybe you just moved into town, going to church will often reignite hope in your life! 

#4: When you come to church on Sunday, you will grow your relationship with God.

The most important reason you should go to church on Sunday (and that’s why I saved it for last) is to build your relationship with God. You do not have to go to church to be saved; however, it really helps! In the Bible, Christ and the church are the groom and bride. It’s hard to have a relationship with one and not the other. 

You will not find the perfect church. We are all human, filled with mistakes and mishaps. But that should not stop us from finding a church to attend. Being part of a church will help you strengthen your walk with God. Don’t hesitate. Don’t wait another Sunday. This is the week for you! 

There are so many great churches! Depending on where you live, you will most likely be able to find a handful to try. Today is the day. Now is the time. See you at church on Sunday! 

If you are interested in trying out The Heart LA Church, we have services at 10 am every Sunday morning. 

Here are some great churches in the Los Angeles area.
Oasis LA
Ignite LA
Harbor Christian Center
Port City Church
The Heart LA Church