House of Prayer
House of Prayer Randall preaching

Have you ever wondered, "Does God really hear my prayers?" Does it feel like maybe you are simply talking to the ceiling when you present your requests before the Lord? Join us in our new series called 'House of Prayer.' Here are four different things we will be talking about during this new series at the Heart LA Church.

#1. Prayer is a Learned Behavior.

Did you know the disciples of Jesus had to be taught to pray?! That's right! The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. They did not ask him to teach them to preach, or heal, or cast out demons. They realized how important prayer was in the life of Jesus and wanted to replicate what he was doing.

You may be new to prayer, but that is a great place to be! Head over to the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6 or Luke 11 to see how Jesus taught his own disciples how to pray.

Check out the full message here.

#2: The Greatest Prayer Warriors are the Greatest Listeners.

In 1 Samuel 3, we see a story about Eli teaching Samuel how to listen to the voice of God. Three times, Samuel missed hearing from God. Yet, after Eli gave him some suggestions, Samuel could hear God's voice. Praying is not just about talking. We should be listening to God as well. Prayer is a conversation with our Creator. He wants to speak to us.

Check out the full message here.

#3: God gives us a Prayer Language.

On the day of Pentecost, God gave the church the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had told his disciples to wait on the Holy Spirit so they waited in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Many people were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues! We believe that God still fills his people with the Holy Spirit today!

  • The Holy Spirit is not a feeling or a vibe.
  • The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity.
  • The Holy Spirit is a helper or comforter.
  • The Holy Spirit is a gift from God to those who ask.

#4: Does God really hear my prayers?

There are things that hinder our prayers. The author of 2 Chronicles informs of us things we need to do in order for God to hear from heaven.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14

God hears our prayers. Even when we don't feel him or see his hand at work, he promises to never leave us. We can trust God with our prayers.

Check out all the messages on our YouTube Channel.