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small group

Small Group – Four Excellent Reasons Why You Should Join

Our next season of small groups is coming up in the fall. We will be launching small groups in September! We have all different kinds of groups: women, men, young adults, family, etc. Here are four excellent reasons why you should join a small group at church.

Study the Psalms

5 Tips to Help You Study the Psalms

Over the summer, we have taken time to study the Psalms at The Heart LA Church. Did you know there are 150 chapters in this book located right in the center of the Bible? Each one of those chapters has different genres and authors that impact the way you read it. Here are four tips to help you study the Psalms.

4 Reasons Why You Should Come to Church on Sunday 

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Sometimes, it can be hard to find a church community to belong to. There are many questions to be answered and hurdles to overcome. However, as awkward and as difficult as it might be, finding a family to join is one of the greatest things you can do. Here are four reasons why you should come to church on Sunday. 

House of Prayer Randall preaching

House of Prayer

Have you ever wondered, “Does God really hear my prayers?” Does it feel like maybe you are simply talking to the ceiling when you present your requests before the Lord? Join us in our new series called ‘House of Prayer.’ Here are four different things we will be talking about during this new series at the Heart LA Church.